Posts Tagged ‘paris’


I see your true colors

Mai 2, 2011

Should I, once more, try and explain why I spend 5 month away from the blog, no news, no post? I bet the reasons are always the same: no time, no motivation, better things to do. In my case, that’s exactly all at one, so I’ll spare you the blabla.

Buuut, there’s one special reason for me being back today, despite of almost closing this thing for good several times last week. The reason is one of my collegues from college (that I never met personnaly, since he’s younger than me). Dude, I have no idea who you are, but today you surprised me. Why? Because today, all of the sudden, I receive a notification saying that my blog’s got a new subscriber. I read it twice: really? Who’s the dumbass? Here’s been dead for aaages now!
Well, maybe a newcomer that liked an old post, maybe two… That’s when I figured it would be a shame to deceive him and let him realize there’s nothig more going on here…

That said… I won’t start this revival with empty conversations. So as a symbolic new beginning, I’ll let you with 2 nice things:
– The first is a good new: I quit my job! Today was the last day. I was tired to design McDonald’s restaurants again, and again, and again… Tired of doing interior architecture (That’s SO NOT my area!) Tired of pretending to care which colour and graphic would suit that wall. Tired to pretend I give a shit about the crappiest company of all times. (After Coca Cola).
So next: a villa in St Tropez, a flat in Paris and some other ideas for a start…

– The second thing will bring some colours to this blog: I’ll let you at it.


Horst Gläsker: Staircase in Wuppertal

Trottoirs de Paris et Juliana Santacruz Herrera


And a last one:



Visite Paris de uma janela

mars 21, 2010

Pode ser essa janela do computador, mesmo, viu?
A cidade pode ser visitada tintim por tintim graças ao fotógrafo Arnaud Frich, que tirou a maior fotografia panorâmica de todos os tempos. Como diria um amigo, Google Earth pode voltar pra casa.
Curioso? Clique no link do projeto aqui!


Trouver un appart à Paris: la saga

février 23, 2009

Je ne demande pourtant pas grand chose… Les conditions initiales: Paris intra-muros, deux chambres minimum, et une surface habitable respectable.

Je pense qu’à elles seules, ces conditions me limitent les offres à… 10%? Bon, ok, j’exagère, mais tant que j’y suis, permettez-moi de vous montrer l’ambiance que je chercherais… comme ça… « como quem não quer nada »


Bon, ok, je me tape mon trip toute seule, surtout que ces exemples là concernent une maison et non un appart, et hormis l’ambiance générale, je pense qu’un tel projet mexicain serait moins probable à Paris. Ceci étant, je me permet de rêver, tant que j’ai encore quelques mois avant de me confronter à la dure réalité…

Ceci dit: celà vaut pour tout et chacun des lecteurs qui puissent croiser ce blog: toute proposition pour fin aout- début semptembre est envisageable!! Et si vous connaissez un appart pourrave (mais assez grand) ayant besoin d’une réforme, disons… « à l’oeil » pour le confort de ses deux futures locatrices, faites-moi signe! 🙂 Et je ne serai même pas déçue qu’il ne ressemble pas à celui-là.

Projet Casa Y de Anonimous-led, Querétaro, México.